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  1. Hans-Bernd Brosius
  2. /
  3. Julian Unkel

Processing the News: How People Tame the Information Tide

von Doris A. Graber (1984)

Abstract #

Doris A. Graber (born 1923 in St. Louis) is one of the most prominent researchers in the field of political communication. In her seminal work, Processing the News: How People Tame the Information Tide, she examines the processes of information selection and processing during news reception. She bases her work on schema theory from cognitive psychology. According to Graber, schemas serve four functions: they determine which information is perceived, support the evaluation and incorporation of this information, accelerate the processing of incomplete information, and aid in making decisions for action. This article summarizes Graber’s comprehensive study, situates it within her body of work, and traces the impact of her research on communication science.

Cite #

  title={Processing the News: How People Tame the Information Tide}, 
  booktitle={Schlüsselwerke der Medienwirkungsforschung}, 
  publisher={Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, 
  author={Brosius, Hans-Bernd and Unkel, Julian},
  editor={Potthoff, Matthias}, 